
jbr 2023 See also: certbot

If you want TLS you should try LetsEncrypt. It's free and (sometimes) easy to use. They have you install certbot.

Install Certbot

The official docs are on readthedocs but confusingly point you back to the parent site for official, customized install instructions: another url

This part went without a hitch for me on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS:

function installCertbot() {
  # From https://certbot.eff.org/instructions?ws=other&os=ubuntufocal
  sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
  sudo snap install --classic certbot
  cd ~/simpatico || exit
  sudo certbot certonly

Renewing Certbot

They say I should start from this starting point:

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

However, because I'm writing my own server, I need to figure out what this command does. My guess is it writes a secret to a file, and then phones home saying, "hey check this place and find this unique string", expecting the file to be served as an http resource on port 80.

From the docs:

certbot reconfigure command can be used to change a certificate’s renewal options. This command will use the new renewal options to perform a test renewal against the Let’s Encrypt staging server. If this is successful, the new renewal options will be saved and will apply to future renewals.

You will need to specify the --cert-name, which can be found by running certbot certificates.

A list of common options that may be updated with the reconfigure command can be found by running certbot help reconfigure.

As a practical example, if you were using the webroot authenticator and had relocated your website to another directory, you can change the --webroot-path to the new directory using the following command:

sudo certbot reconfigure --cert-name simpatico.io --webroot-path ~/simpatico

It only needs sudo because of an intentional global lock file. You can get more information out of the debug logs:

sudo tail -f /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

The problem is that the reflector isn't properly serving this request:

curl http://simpatico.local:8080/.well-known/acme-challenge/6P9kCesSMDHBUc2vtKl_8sFBCqFHwndEh8kFL-orNzk

Once this was fixed I ran sudo certbot renew to get a new cert. Very easy.

Testing the timer

Note: I wrote this section before discovering certbot reconfigure. However it may be useful in the future.

I am somewhat familiar with cron but not at all with systemd timers. As with everything with systemd, I am somewhat wary. I sense engineering maximalism at play, and I feel the lure of a rich featureset. But the price is high: systemd is a toolset that must be studied, practiced.

By process of elimination I discovered that the timer is called snap.certbot.renew.timer:

systemctl list-timers
less /etc/systemd/system/snap.certbot.renew.timer
OnCalendar=*-*-* 05:02
OnCalendar=*-*-* 16:53

Finally the unit file for snap.certbot.renew.service:

# Auto-generated, DO NOT EDIT
Description=Service for snap application certbot.renew

After=snap-certbot-2913.mount network.target snapd.apparmor.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run --timer="00:00~24:00/2" certbot.renew

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