
An opportunity to explore various aspects of modern browsers, in lovely isolation.

General Topics

  1. Important HTML
    1. basic
    2. reset
    3. forms
    4. tables
  2. Important CSS
    1. position
    2. flexbox
  3. SVG Basics
    1. setup
    2. shapes
    3. transforms
  4. Canvas Basics
  5. ES6
    1. objects
    2. functions
    3. collections
      1. arrays
      2. map
      3. set
  6. Events
  7. DOM finding, reading, writing
  8. Meta-tags
  9. Routers and the back-button
  10. Caching
  11. Favicons
  12. Localstorage and IndexDB
  13. XHR and Websockets


Many libraries require a build step, which is covered in tools, below.

  1. Bootstrap
  2. jQuery
  3. D3
  4. React
  5. Angular


  1. node and npm
  2. webpack
  3. babel
  4. jshint


  1. Languages, libraries and coordinate-systems
  2. Subresources and user privacy
  3. Web taxonomy: The many distinct kinds of HTML documents
  4. The Stateful webapp
  5. What is a webapp? A tree of screens!
  6. Tab is screen is process is app.
  7. The Least Common Denominator platform, the web
  8. What can you do in 150k?
  9. Empowering individuals with the web.
  10. Starting in the middle

javajosh, October 2017