Simpaticode: crypto


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Exercise cryptographic primitives. In this case use the crypto library to generate a key, encrypt a thing, then decrypt. Note that, at this point, we cannot save the generated keys for later use. This is enough to save ciphertext and later decrypt it. References:

  1. MDN's generateKey() docs
  2. MDN's exportKey() docs
  3. MDN's importKey() docs
  4. See the w3c web crypto spec
  5. Crypto 101 is a good intro text to the field.
  import {generateSymmetricKey, encrypt, pack, decrypt, unpack, equalBuffers} from './crypto.js';

  // encrypt message
  const msg = 'Hey crypto cats!!';
  log('initializing', msg);
  const key = await generateSymmetricKey();
  log('generated key', key);
  const { cipherText, iv } = await encrypt(msg, key);
  log('encrypted message', {cipherText, iv});

  // await fetch('/secure-api', {
  //   method: 'POST',
  //   body: JSON.stringify({
  //     cipher: pack(cipher),
  //     iv: pack(iv),
  //   }),
  // })
  // const response = await fetch('/secure-api').then(res => res.json())

  const fakeResponse = {
    cipherText: pack(cipherText),
    iv: pack(iv),

  const unpacked = {
    cipherText: unpack(fakeResponse.cipherText),
    iv: unpack(fakeResponse.iv),
  log('fakeResponse', fakeResponse, 'unpacked', unpacked);
  assertEquals(unpacked.cipherText, cipherText);
  assert(equalBuffers(unpacked.iv, iv));

  // unpack and decrypt message
  const final = await decrypt(
    {cipherText, iv},
  log('decrypted message', final);
  assertEquals(final, msg);

Export Keys

Export by picking a format and calling exportKey Format support depends on the type of underlying key. I believe that 'raw' is universally supported, however.

  import {generateSymmetricKey, importSymmetricKey, pack, encrypt, decrypt} from './crypto.js';

  //Make a key and encrypt something with it
  const key = await generateSymmetricKey();
  const { cipherText, iv } = await encrypt("hello!", key);

  // Export the key in raw; check what is supported with checkSupportedKeyExportFormats()
  let exportedKey = await window.crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', key);
  const exportedKeyPacked = pack(exportedKey);
  log(exportedKey, exportedKeyPacked);

  const key2 = await importSymmetricKey(exportedKey, iv);

  // Now we can use the key again!
  const final = await decrypt(
    {cipherText, iv},


Asymmetric keys

Now lets make asymmetric keys and use them to sign things, and also to wrap things.

  import {encode} from './crypto.js';

  const msg = 'hello world';

  // Add an "A" and then figure out the arguments.
  // name = ECDSA or ECDH
  // namedCurve = P-256, P-384, P-521
  const generateAsymmetricKey = () => {
    return window.crypto.subtle.generateKey({
      name: 'ECDSA',
      namedCurve: 'P-384',
    }, true, ['sign', 'verify'])
  const keyPair = await generateAsymmetricKey();

  const signature = await window.crypto.subtle.sign({
      name: 'ECDSA',
      hash: 'SHA-384'
    }, keyPair.privateKey,
  log('keypair', keyPair, 'msg', msg, 'signature', signature);

  // bool = verify(algorithm, key, signature, data)
  const verified = await window.crypto.subtle.verify({
      name: 'ECDSA',
      hash: 'SHA-384'
    }, keyPair.publicKey,
  log('verified', verified);

Exporting a derived symmetric key

It turns out what we needed was the deriveKey method. However, I found a really good library, webcryptobox, written in an eerily similar style as simpatico (minimal, zero-deps, no build, etc) It is small, build-less, written with modern ES6 and quite legible.

import * as wcb from './node_modules/webcryptobox/index.js';

const alice = await wcb.generateKeyPair();
const bob = await wcb.generateKeyPair();
const text = 'Nobody else can offer me something, something heart felt like you did it.';
const message = wcb.textToBuffer(text);
const box = await wcb.encryptTo({message, privateKey: alice.privateKey, publicKey: bob.publicKey});
const decryptedBox = await wcb.decryptFrom({box, privateKey: bob.privateKey, publicKey: alice.publicKey});
const decryptedText = wcb.bufferToText(decryptedBox);

// Now lets see if we can export and import the keys and have it work the same way
const alicePub = await wcb.exportPublicKeyPem(alice.publicKey);
const alicePriv = await wcb.exportPrivateKeyPem(alice.privateKey);
log('asymm', alicePub, alicePriv);
const alicePubImported = await wcb.importPublicKeyPem(alicePub);
const alicePrivImported = await wcb.importPrivateKeyPem(alicePriv);
log('asymm', alicePubImported, alicePrivImported);
const alice2 = {publicKey: alicePubImported, privateKey: alicePrivImported};
const box2 = await wcb.encryptTo({message, privateKey: alice2.privateKey, publicKey: bob.publicKey});
log('asymm', alice2, box2);
const decryptedBox2 = await wcb.decryptFrom({box: box2, privateKey: bob.privateKey, publicKey: alice2.publicKey});
const decryptedText2 = wcb.bufferToText(decryptedBox2);

// Get a printable sha256 hash of the key
const alicePubKeyFingerprint = await wcb.sha256Fingerprint(alice.publicKey);

assertEquals(decryptedText, decryptedText2);


Why crypto? Because you should encrypt all data at rest because of exploits. And because you should encrypt all data in transit because you shouldn't trust the service provider, either.

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