

Exploring the modern browser's native cryptography libraries for doing public/private key encryption.

See: home, chat, reflector, litmd, crypto,


  1. Generate keypair
  2. Encrypt a text message (usually a JSON string in our case).
  3. Decrypt the message
  4. Store keypair for later use (usually in localstorage, often via stree)

Exporting a derived symmetric key

webcryptobox, written in an eerily similar style as simpatico (minimal, zero-deps, no build, etc) It is small, build-less, written with modern ES6 and quite legible.

import * as wcb from './node_modules/webcryptobox/index.js';

const alice = await wcb.generateKeyPair()
const bob = await wcb.generateKeyPair()
const text = 'Test message'
const message = wcb.decodeText(text)
const box = await wcb.encryptTo({ message, privateKey: alice.privateKey, publicKey: bob.publicKey })
const hexBox = wcb.encodeHex(box);
const decryptedBox = await wcb.decryptFrom({ box: wcb.decodeHex(hexBox), privateKey: bob.privateKey, publicKey: alice.publicKey })
const decryptedText = wcb.encodeText(decryptedBox)
assertEquals(decryptedText, text);
// Now do key export and import with alice's keys
const alicePubExported = await wcb.exportPublicKeyPem(alice.publicKey);
const alicePrivExported = await wcb.exportPrivateKeyPem(alice.privateKey);
log({ alicePubExported, alicePrivExported });

const alicePubImported = await wcb.importPublicKeyPem(alicePubExported);
const alicePrivImported = await wcb.importPrivateKeyPem(alicePrivExported);

const alice2 = {publicKey: alicePubImported, privateKey: alicePrivImported};
const box2 = await wcb.encryptTo({message, privateKey: alice2.privateKey, publicKey: bob.publicKey});
const decryptedBox2 = await wcb.decryptFrom({box: box2, privateKey: bob.privateKey, publicKey: alice2.publicKey});
const decryptedText2 = wcb.encodeText(decryptedBox2);

// Get a printable sha256 hash of the key
const alicePubKeyFingerprint = await wcb.sha256Fingerprint(alice.publicKey);

assertEquals(decryptedText, decryptedText2);

RSA from scratch

Adapted from Implementing RSA from Scratch via hn.

// the browser doesn't need this but node does
// const BigInt = require('big-integer');

const gcd = (a, b) => extendedEuclidean(a,b)[0];
const lcm = (x, y) => (x * y) / gcd(x, y);

function extendedEuclidean(a, b) {
  if (a === 0n) {
    return [b, 0n, 1n];

  let [gcd, x1, y1] = extendedEuclidean(b % a, a);

  let x = y1 - (b / a) * x1;
  let y = x1;

  return [gcd, x, y];

function modularInverse(a, m) {
  let [gcd, x, y] = extendedEuclidean(a, m);
  if (gcd !== 1n) {
    return null;
  } else {
    x = (x % m + m) % m;
    return x;

function modularExponentiation(base, exponent, modulus) {
  if (modulus === 1n) return 0n;

  let result = 1n;
  base = base % modulus;

  while (exponent > 0) {
    if (exponent % 2n === 1) {
      result = (result * base) % modulus;

    exponent = exponent / 2n;
    base = (base * base) % modulus;

  return result;

function generateRSAKeys(p, q) {
  let n = p * q;
  let lambdaN = lcm(p - 1n, q - 1n);
  let e = 65537n;
  let d = extendedEuclidean(e, lambdaN)[0];
  if (d < 0) d = d + lambdaN;
  return { publicKey: { e, n }, privateKey: { d, n } };

function encrypt(message, publicKey) {
  return modularExponentiation(message, publicKey.e, publicKey.n);

function decrypt(ciphertext, privateKey) {
  return modularExponentiation(ciphertext, privateKey.d, privateKey.n);

// Testing
let keys = generateRSAKeys(31337n, 31357n);
let publicKey = keys.publicKey;
let privateKey = keys.privateKey;
let message = 80087n;
let encrypted = encrypt(message, publicKey);
let decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, privateKey);



Why crypto? Because you should encrypt all data in transit and at rest because of exploits and because of privacy.


  1. MDN's generateKey() docs
  2. MDN's exportKey() docs
  3. MDN's importKey() docs
  4. See the w3c web crypto spec
  5. Crypto 101 is a good intro text to the field.

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